Native American*


Native American art is a reflection of their energy. spirit and connection to the earth.  It is their story, their relationship as indigenous people to the natural world and the spirits of the past.  These objects are more than things of beauty and craftsmanship, they contain power and magic and wisdom woven into blankets and baskets and painted on to pottery.  As long as these items exist that magic and power exists. Our ability to interpret it is another story.

From the carved wooden bowls made for Hawaiian royalty ,  to the carvings of Alaska’s native people and northwest tribes,  to the baskets of California tribes, the rugs and pottery of the southwest people, the beadwork of the plains people, the carved wood on decorated weapons of the northeast and the feather work  the southeast. This is the heritage of the land we live on--to ignore it, is to deny its essence.  To discard this wisdom is to fail to learn from past mistakes.  To not recognize the damage done to a proud people and their culture is arrogance.  to fail to help, honor and save the fragments that are left is shameful and short-sighted.


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Weapons, Tools, and Carving

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Native American Tribes  and Languages
click here


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Rugs and Weavings

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Bead and Quill and Feather

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it could certainly be seen as hubris beyond measure to claim these master works as American.  to call this “folk art” and imply no formal training could be seen as insulting to the tradition and the skills you will see on this site which were passed down from father to son,  mother to daughter master to student.  Much in the same way that the fine arts of Europe and Asia were. No disrespect is intended. Quite the contrary. We believe this art resonates, and has much to teach us.

David W. Hahn & Ricky Schultz

